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        Claims Analysis & Preparation

                  Interstate 86 from the east will include safer new bridges and easier ways to merge with Interstate 81 traffic.                           



With a broad range of experience in claims preparation, we can assist you in determining the best method to approach your individual needs to maximize your return on your efforts.

Key Benefits

bulletMost cost effective approach to handle your claim.
bulletMaintain credibility with your customer/client.
bulletOur expertise saves your time and internal efforts that distract from your day-to-day operations.
bulletUtilizing state-of-the-art CPM analysis software, we can save hundreds of man-hours of time in analyzing CPM schedules.
bulletMr. Kellogg's services  can be utilized for expert witness testimony in scheduling and delay issues.

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

Please contact me regarding a current project
Send company literature
Have a salesperson contact me


Send mail to questions@terryjkellogg.com.  Last modified: 10/14/10